September 11, 2008

Remember little ears repeat!!!!

Well it all started about a month or so ago, Chaisey wanted to know "Why does that boy always have his shirt off??" she asked, about the guy that lives across the street. He is an older single guy that lives alone.. with his cat, he is always outside with his shirt off, and.... he is a little different! Anyways my response was " because he is kind of a pervert" probably not the best explanation, but its the best description for him that I could think of, and she was satisfied with it and no more questions were asked. Then A few days ago when I came home from work, Jason Informed me that while I was working, Kyson had called our neighbor and his friends that were across the street "perberts" not just once but many times. I sure hope they are hard of hearing !!! And that is why we think about what we say before we say it !! Because Little ears hear things, and .... THEY REPEAT IT!!!!


Renee and Kiddies said...

That's so funny...geezs you should hear what my kids repeat, lets just say it's a lot worse...